彭炳先, 吴代赦. 中国煤中溴的含量及分布[J]. 燃料化学学报(中英文), 2014, 42(07): 769-773.
引用本文: 彭炳先, 吴代赦. 中国煤中溴的含量及分布[J]. 燃料化学学报(中英文), 2014, 42(07): 769-773.
PENG Bing-xian, WU Dai-she. Distribution and content of bromine in Chinese coals[J]. Journal of Fuel Chemistry and Technology, 2014, 42(07): 769-773.
Citation: PENG Bing-xian, WU Dai-she. Distribution and content of bromine in Chinese coals[J]. Journal of Fuel Chemistry and Technology, 2014, 42(07): 769-773.


Distribution and content of bromine in Chinese coals

  • 摘要: 在测试分析中国27个省、直辖市和自治区的305个煤样中溴含量的基础上,从煤的不同成煤年代、不同变质程度以及不同聚煤区等方面分析和考查中国煤中溴的分布状况。结果表明,中国煤中溴的含量为0.12~69.66 μg/g,因其对数值呈正态分布,故可用其几何平均值(7.04 μg/g)表征中国煤中溴的含量,该值低于大多数其他国家煤中溴的平均含量,和日本煤中溴的平均值(7.10 μg/g)较为接近。按煤中溴的平均值,中国13个省市小于5 μg/g;9个省为5~15 μg/g;5个省市高于15 μg/g。根据煤的变质程度,中国煤中溴含量按照烟煤、无烟煤、褐煤、次烟煤顺序依次下降;根据成煤地质年代,按早石炭纪、新近纪、晚石炭纪、早二叠纪、中侏罗纪、晚三叠纪、早侏罗纪、晚侏罗纪、古近纪、中石炭纪依次下降;根据聚煤区,按西北、华北、华南、滇藏和东北聚煤区依次下降。中国煤中溴的分布受多种因素的影响,任何单一因素和其没有密切的相关性。


    Abstract: The bromine content of 305 coal samples from 27 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions of China were tested, then the distribution of bromine with different geological ages, coal ranks, coal-cumulating areas was analyzed. The results show that the coals with moderate and low bromine content are predominant in China. The bromine content ranges from 0.12 to 69.66 μg/g, and it follows a logarithm normal distribution. Thus the geometric mean, 7.04 μg/g, is regarded as the average bromine content in Chinese coals. This is less than that in many countries and close to the average bromine content (7.10 μg/g) in Japanese coals. In Chinese coals, the average bromine content is less than 5 μg/g in 13 districts, 5~15 μg/g in 9 areas, and more than 15 μg/g in 5 regions. Based on coal rank, bromine content decreases gradually from bituminous coal, anthracite, lignite to subbituminous coal. As for coal-forming period, bromine content decreases from Early carboniferous through Late Permian, Late Carboniferous, Early Permian, Middle Jurassic, Late Triassic, Early Jurassic, Late Jurassic, Tertiary to Middle Carboniferous. According to coal-cumulating areas, bromine content decreases from northwestern China, northern China, southern China, Yunnan and Tibet to northeastern China. But all of them have no notable effect on the bromine content in Chinese coal.


