

  • 摘要: 在反应温度260℃、压力5.0MPa的条件下,对浆态床反应器中二甲醚合成复合催化剂的失活规律进行了研究。结果表明, Cu基催化剂失活较快是导致浆态床二甲醚合成催化剂不稳定的主要原因。通过分析Cu基催化剂在浆态床反应器和固定床反应器中的活性变化规律,发现在浆态床反应器中不能及时导出反应体系的H2O对催化剂的毒副作用导致了浆态床Cu基催化剂快速失活。对失活催化剂进行的TPR、XRD和SEMEDS表征结果可以看出,Cu粒子的长大和积炭是Cu基催化剂失活的重要原因,与已有文献报道不同的是并未发现明显的Cu元素流失。


    Abstract: Deactivation of composite catalyst for onestep dimethyl ether (DME) synthesis in slurry reactor was studied under reaction conditions of 260℃ and 5.0MPa. It was found that instability of Cubased methanol synthesis catalyst led to rapid deactivation of the composite catalyst. Deactivation rate of the Cubased catalyst in slurry reactor was compared with that in fixedbed reactor. The results indicated that harmfulness of water, which is formed in the synthesis of DME, caused the Cubased catalyst to deactivate at a high rate in slurry reactor. Techniques of TPR, XRD, and SEMEDS were used to characterize the reduction behaviors, crystal structures, and surface properties of the catalyst. The results showed that carbon deposition and grain growth of Cu were important reasons for the rapid deactivation of the Cubased catalyst, and no obvious metal loss of Cu was found.


