Graphical Abstract
The occurrence mode of chlorine in solid products from copyrolysis of coal and waste plastic was studied by IR and TGMS. In addition, the emission characteristic of those solid products during combustion was studied. The results indicates that when copyrolysis temperature is below 600℃, there are some organic as well as inorganic chlorine compounds in coke; when the temperature is above 600℃, there is only inorganic one in the coke. The emission ratio of chlorine is relative to combustion temperature, the copyrolysing temperature as well as the percentage of PVC. The emission ratio of chlorine increases with the rising temperature of combustion. When the combustion temperature is 900℃, the emission ratio is up to 94%. On the contrary, the emission ratio is lower for the solid product from higher copyrolysis temperature as the combustion temperature is the same. The highest chlorine emission ratio from pyrolysis at 400℃ is 99.86%, but that from 1000℃ pyrolysis is 94.35%.