Chemical looping combustion of coal in interconnected fluidized bed with NiO/Al2O3 oxygen carrier
Graphical Abstract
The chemical looping combustion of coal with NiO/Al2O3 oxygen carrier was experimentally investigated in a 1 kWth interconnected fluidized bed. The carbon conversion ηC,coal, the conversion of gaseous products, the carbon capture efficiency ηC,cap and the coal combustion efficiency ηcombust were calculated and discussed. Several influencing factors including the temperature tFR, excess air coefficy α, the ratio of steam flow rate in the loopseal to the feed coal SLS/C, the ratio of steam flow rate in the fuel reactor to the feed coal SFR/C were examined. The results indicate that the increase in either tFR or SLS/C is favorable for increasing ηC,coal and the conversion of gas products from coal gasification. A larger α can also give a higher ηC,coal. With the SFR/C increasing from 0.8 to 1.6, ηC,coal first increases and then decreases with the maximum at SFR/C=1.2. ηcombust has the same trends as ηC,coal; it is mainly affected by the loss of carbon in the fly ash. Contrary to α or SLS/C, increasing TFR can give a higher ηC,cap.