程相龙, 王永刚, 孙加亮, 申恬, 张海永, 许德平. 氧化反应对胜利褐煤水蒸气气化反应的促进作用Ⅱ. 作用机理研究[J]. 燃料化学学报(中英文), 2017, 45(2): 138-146.
引用本文: 程相龙, 王永刚, 孙加亮, 申恬, 张海永, 许德平. 氧化反应对胜利褐煤水蒸气气化反应的促进作用Ⅱ. 作用机理研究[J]. 燃料化学学报(中英文), 2017, 45(2): 138-146.
CHENG Xiang-long, WANG Yong-gang, SUN Jia-liang, SHEN Tian, ZHANG Hai-yong, XU De-ping. Promoting effect of oxidation reaction on steam gasification reaction in Shengli lignite gasification processⅡ.Mechanism study[J]. Journal of Fuel Chemistry and Technology, 2017, 45(2): 138-146.
Citation: CHENG Xiang-long, WANG Yong-gang, SUN Jia-liang, SHEN Tian, ZHANG Hai-yong, XU De-ping. Promoting effect of oxidation reaction on steam gasification reaction in Shengli lignite gasification processⅡ.Mechanism study[J]. Journal of Fuel Chemistry and Technology, 2017, 45(2): 138-146.

氧化反应对胜利褐煤水蒸气气化反应的促进作用Ⅱ. 作用机理研究

Promoting effect of oxidation reaction on steam gasification reaction in Shengli lignite gasification processⅡ.Mechanism study

  • 摘要:φ80×3 000 mm耐高温不锈钢管反应器中,进行了N2/N2+O2/N2+H2O/N2+O2+H2O气氛下800和900℃的胜利褐煤气化实验,采用红外光谱、X射线光电子能谱、拉曼光谱和烟气在线分析等研究了添加氧气前后半焦的物理结构、官能团及煤气组成的变化,旨在探讨氧化反应促进水蒸气气化反应的作用机理。结果表明,氧化反应对水蒸气气化反应的促进作用可用半焦的微观结构变化和水蒸气气化解离吸附机理解释。氧化反应的开孔和扩孔作用使碳颗粒微孔数量、比表面积、孔容、吸附量明显增加,更多的碳表面活性位暴露出来,也促进了半焦中甲基、亚甲基、C=O键、C-O键的断裂和高活性的羧基COO-和大量氢自由基的生成,这些都有利于水蒸气气化反应的进行,尤其在高温和水蒸气含量较高时。同时,氧气的加入改变了反应气氛中CO2、CO、H2相对含量和水蒸气分子/活性炭原子内能,也有利于水蒸气气化反应的进行,这与水蒸气气化解离吸附机理相吻合。


    Abstract: Shengli brown coal was gasified at 800-900℃ in a simulated entrained-flow reactor, φ 80×3 000 mm.The physical structure and functional groups of char were tested by infrared spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and Raman spectroscopy while coal gas was tested by gas on-line analysis instrument in order to explore the mechanism of promoting effect of oxidation reaction on steam gasification reaction.The results show that the synergy effects can be explained by dissociated adsorption reaction mechanisms of steam gasification reaction and semi-coke pore structure features under different atmospheres.The oxidation reaction can make microspores number, specific surface area, pore volume and adsorption capacity of the char particles greatly increase and more carbon active sites expose by producing microspores, developing mesopores;it also prompts small groups as-CH3, -CH2-, > C=O & > C-O-fractured and generation of hydrogen free-radical and carboxyl.All these promote steam gasification reaction rate, especially at a higher water vapor content or temperature.Meanwhile, the oxidation reaction can change the relative content of CO2, CO, H2 and internal energy of steam molecules and activated carbon atoms, in favor of steam gasification reaction.


