

  • 摘要: 用热重分析仪和傅里叶红外光谱仪,对混煤在惰性气氛中的慢速热解特性进行了动态分析,考察了煤种、掺混比例以及加热速率对热解的影响。结果表明,混煤的热解与单煤的热解有相似之处,热解组分的析出随温度的变化规律一致,但其组分析出量并不是单煤热解析出量的简单叠加。由于掺混煤种间的相互作用,混煤热解气体在析出时间和析出量上均发生了变化。通过对红外吸收光谱的分析,发现混煤热解气体析出规律受掺混煤种的影响很大,高活性煤种的存在会降低混煤热解的初析温度,增加热解气体的析出量,其掺混比例越高,影响也越明显。


    Abstract: The pyrolysis characteristics of the coals and their blends in an inertia atmosphere were investigated using a thermo-gravimetric apparatus with a on-line infrared-spectrum analyzer. The influence of coal rank, blend ratio and heating rate on the pyrolysis of coal blends was examined. The experimental results show that the pyrolysis characteristics of coal blends are similar to that of single coal, but the yield of gas is not the simple addition of single coal's. Due to the interaction of different coals of the blends, there is a difference in the gas yield between coals and the blends. By investigating the infrared spectrogram, it is discovered that the low rank coal has an important role in the pyrolysis of the blends. The beginning pyrolysis temperature decreases and the yield of gas increases with increasing the proportion of low rank coal.


