

  • 摘要: 针对实际工业生产中经常遇到的多组分体系,本文选取了具有代表性意义的非等密度/直径的双组分体系(树脂和砂子)为研究对象,以Goossens等提出的平均物性法则计算了固体混合物的平均粒径和平均密度,采用欧拉-欧拉计算流体动力学模型(CFD)模拟了二维冷模射流床气化炉内,诸如气、固相流场的时空分布、时均空隙率分布、射流穿透深度等流体动力学的时空特征,所得结果与文献报道相吻合。


    Abstract: The studied insights into the average properties of binary system defined by Goossens et al. are incorporated into an Eulerian-Eulerian Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) model for simulating the hydrodynamics in a cold model of jetting fluidized-bed gasifiers. Some of the essential hydrodynamic parameters, including gas- and solid-velocity profiles, time-averaged voidage profiles, and jet penetration height, are investigated in this paper. These results show the CFD approach is an effective tool for predicting hydrodynamics in jetting fluidized beds with multi-component mixture.


