

  • 摘要: 采用挂片测焦的方法,测定了吸热型碳氢燃料S-1结焦速率随裂解时间的变化,结果显示随反应时间的延长,燃料的结焦速率基本呈现增加趋势。利用能量弥散X射线分析对金属挂片渗碳现象的考察结果显示,挂片焦中明显有金属原子的迁移。还利用仪器分析手段对吸热型碳氢燃料S-1在700 ℃时裂解所生成焦的性质进行了考察,元素分析结果显示随反应时间的延长焦的氢碳比变低,扫描电镜对焦表面形态结构的研究结果显示热处理温度对焦的结构有着很大的影响。对可溶焦的分析结果显示,S-1裂解结焦并不是单一历程,结焦过程的中间产物基本分芳烃类与非芳烃类两种。


    Abstract: The coking characteristics of endothermic hydrocarbon fuel S-1 on Ni-Cr alloy was studied in a laboratory-scale continuous flow reactor system. The carburation on alloy was proved by EDX analysis. The composition of cokes was determined by element analysis (EA), which showed that the ratio of hydrogen and carbon of the coke decreases soon with the extending of reaction time. Surface morphology of coke was determined by means of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) after heat treatment at the temperature from 700 ℃ to 1 200 ℃ with heating rate of 20 ℃/min by Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The results show that temperature has an important effect on the structure of cokes. The analysis results of soluble coke show that intermediate coking product consists of aromatic compound and paraffin.


