

  • 摘要: 在Ф150 mm流化床上,研究了六类典型组分垃圾NO转化率与床温和过量空气系数(excess air简称EA)的关系。研究发现,纸渣与木块NO转化率最高,橡胶与塑料最低;织物、纸张、厨余、木块、塑料NO均具有中温生成特性,一般在800 ℃~850 ℃时即接近最大值,之后温度升高对NO的生成影响不大;橡胶与无烟煤由于含N化合物结构稳定,其NO转化率随床温升高而增大;由于挥发分析出的相互影响,较低的火焰温度,混合垃圾NO转化率一般低于单组分垃圾的线性叠加;少量水分不会对垃圾NO转化率造成很大影响,相反还会促进NO的转化,但过量水分会抑制NO的生成。


    Abstract: In order to elaborate NO emission characteristics of waste combusted in fluidized bed, N→NO of six representative single-component wastes with bed temperature and excess air was studied in a Ф150 mm fluidized bed. The results show that paper and wood have the highest conversion while rubber and plastics have the lowest conversion of N→NO. N→NO of fabric, paper, kitchen residue, wood, plastics has intermediate temperature formation behavior, it generally maximizes during 800 ℃ and 850 ℃, then it will be stable with increasing temperature. N→NO will increase with increasing temperature because coal and rubber's fuel-nitrogen has stable chemical structure. N→NO of mixed waste material is generally less than linear superposition value of single-component waste because of volatile flux's interaction and relatively lower flame temperature; small a mount of water did not affect obviously N→NO, even it can accelerate NO emission, but excessive water will inhibit NO formation behavior.


