
Effects of F-T diesel fuel on the performance and
emission characteristics of diesel engine with a high-pressure common rail system

  • 摘要: 在满足国Ⅲ排放的现代高压共轨柴油机上,研究了掺烧不同比例F-T柴油混合燃料对发动机性能和排放的影响。结果表明,随着掺烧比例的加大,发动机的动力性略有下降,在外特性上,与燃烧国Ⅲ柴油相比,燃用F-T柴油时,扭矩最大下降2.2%,而燃油消耗率最高下降7.1%,有效热效率提高了4.5%。在十三工况的排放上,碳氢化合物(HC)、氮氧化物(NOx)、一氧化碳(CO)和颗粒(PM)的比排放量较国Ⅲ柴油均有明星下降,其中尤以燃用F-T柴油下降的幅度最大,PM降低了25.5%、NOx降低了11.7%、HC降低了39.3%、CO降低了33.9%。F-T柴油是柴油机的优良替代燃料。


    Abstract: The effects of Fischer-Tropsch (F-T) diesel fuel on the performance and emission characteristics of diesel engine with a high-pressure common rail system, which meets Euro Ⅲ emission standard(an Euro Ⅲ high-pressure common rail diesel engine), were studied. The experimental results indicate that with an increase of F-T diesel in mix fuel, the output power and brake specific fuel consumption (BSFC) decrease, and the effective thermal efficiency increases slightly. Compared to those for neat diesel fuel (DF), the maximum reduction of engine torque and BSFC for F-T diesel are 2.2% and 7.1%, respectively at full engine loads, while the maximum incremental value of effective thermal efficiency reaches 4.5%. The data of 13 mode test cycle (ECE R49) show that the presence of F-T diesel in fuels significantly decreases the exhaust emissions of CO, NOx, HC and PM with the maximum reduction of PM by 25.5%, NOx by 11.7%, HC by 39.3% and CO by 33.9%, respectively. On the whole, F-T diesel is an ideal alternative fuel for diesel engine.


