
Specific resistance characteristics of ash from co-combustion of biomass and coal

  • 摘要: 以玉米秸、麦秸、锯末纯燃并以不同比例与煤混燃,利用DR型高压粉尘比电阻实验台对灰样比电阻R进行测量, 以AAS对灰样化学成分进行分析。结果表明,纯生物质燃料灰R值为108Ω·cm~1010Ω·cm,属于中比电阻。混燃灰样的R值均为108Ω·cm~1012Ω·cm。麦秸与煤的混燃灰中,掺混率Rt对比电阻R的影响不明显;玉米秸与煤的混燃灰中,在110℃以下,Rt越高,R越低;在110℃以上,Rt越高,R越大。生物质与煤的混燃改变了燃料的燃烧特性及熔融特性,使灰的物理特性和化学成分、含量发生变化,造成混燃灰比电阻与煤灰比电阻的规律存在一定的差异。


    Abstract: Three biofuels, cornstalk, wheat straw and sawdust were combusted purely and co-combusted as given mixing ratio. The specific resistance (R) of ashes was measured by DR type dust specific resistance testing instrument and chemical compositions were detected by Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (AAS). The results show that the R values of ashes from pure biomass combustion are between 108Ω·cm and 1010Ω·cm, which belongs to medium specific resistance. The R values of ashes from co-combustion are between 108Ω·cm and 1012Ω·cm. Regarding ashes from burning cornstalk and coal, mixing ratio (Rt) brings little effect on R. As for ashes from combustion of wheat and coal, when the measuring temperatures are lower than 110℃, the more the Rt is, the lower the R is. The rule is inverse when the temperatures are higher than 110℃. Co-combustion alters the fuel characteristics of burning and fusing, changes the physical characteristics and chemical components as well as contents, resulting in the specific resistance differences between ashes from co-combustion and pure combustion.


